

尊敬的达娃J.纽曼was elected to The Aerospace Corporation’s Board of Trustees on December 11, 2019. Dr. Newman is the Apollo Program professor of Astronautics in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as well as a Harvard–MIT Health, Sciences, and Technology faculty member. She is also a MacVicar Faculty Fellow (a chair for making significant contributions to undergraduate education) and director of the MIT Portugal Program. Previously, Newman was deputy administrator of NASA, the agency’s second-highest ranking position. Prior to that, Newman was director of the MIT Technology and Policy Program.

在担任美国航空航天局副局长,从2015年5月到2017年一月,纽曼负责阐明该机构的视野,提供领导和政策指导,并与管理员一起,代表美国航空航天局的总统,国会,联邦政府负责人的行政办公室机构,国际空间机构和行业。作为副局长,她对所有的合作伙伴美国航空航天局提供的领导和监督。Newman made significant impact on NASA’s human exploration efforts, specifically developing and articulating the Human Journey to Mars plan, highlighting scientific missions, advocating for transformative aeronautics capabilities, developing and implementing a strategic innovation framework, and advocating for diversity and inclusion for NASA and the nation’s STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) initiatives.


